Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Girl Who Digs Graves (Willie E. Dalton)


The Girl Who Digs Graves
Willie E. Dalton

⭐: 4/5

Pros: I'm fascinated with death and the afterlife, as well as morbid professions, so this book easily drew me in with all of those.

I'm new to this genre, but I'm guessing this is still a very original story that I read in one setting! I love how direct the MC is, how she doesn't care what others think, and just does what she wants to.

I definitely am interested to see what Hel (MC) finds out about the mysterious wall, where her earth love ended up, and what happens next! I'll be binging these books on study breaks for sure!

Cons: I'm not a fan of romance or sex in any genre, but can handle them in moderation. There is SO MUCH sex in the book, though! I'm not a conservative person, I just don't care to read about it, so I skimmed quite a bit. If you love that kind of stuff, you'll love this.

Conclusion: if you're dark and twisty and love paranormal, give this one a try!

*Subscribe to my blog to keep up with the next 3 books and their reviews!*

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

All the Blood We Share (Camilla Bruce)


All the Blood We Share
Camilla Bruce
⭐: 5/5

Pros: AS ALWAYS, Bruce writes about such fascinating topics and this book is no different!

I had no idea the Bender Family existed until the very end. Bruce knows how to blend fact and fiction so convincingly that I never think to wonder, despite being familiar with her affinity with female true crime, if something is inspired by true events.

I feel she captured Kate Bender's psychopath personality brilliantly, but also really did well developing every character and giving them each their own traits that appeared in their dialogue and movement.

History doesn't know the truth of all the identities or how the murders happened, but I was, once again, sucked into how warped Bruce's mind could be to write such scenes and am always impressed with that imagination!

Cons: given the Bender Family was never found after leaving KS, this book is a bit of a cliffhanger, but at least for that, fiction meets fact.

Conclusion: if you're into twisted, well-developed plots with excellently written characters and hardly a single edit missed in the book... This is your read. Just be sure you don't end up playing the, "Just one more chapter... Yeah right" game that leaves you saying "what the..." at 1A when you finish reading. EASY five out of five stars! Bruce NEVER disappoints for me!

Friday, January 20, 2023

The Crowns of Croswald (D.E. Night)

The Crowns of Croswald
D.E. Night
⭐: 5/5

Let me begin with the fact that fantasy is not typically a genre I’m easily drawn into. I knew within two chapters that I absolutely wanted to read and review this book for Night! 

Pros: It’s a bit Harry Potter reminiscent in some ways, but the plot itself is original and captivating. There’s plenty of foreshadowing, but not so obvious that it gives the plot away. Night also is a brilliant wordsmith - I cannot count how many times I giggled or smiled seeing wordplay! I also was intrigued with how well she built not only Coswald, but the characters and even inanimate objects such as quills and bottles (both are very important to the storyline). 

There isn’t a detail in this book that doesn’t belong! Every last description, personification, and scene all work together as a cohesive whole! I especially love that the ending wasn’t rushed, given the enormity of building that went on for the world, characters, their interactions, and plot itself. I truly cannot wait to read the next few books in the series!

Cons: There were a few times I was slightly confused, but those moments were answered in time. I just had to exercise some patience. Otherwise, I really don’t know that there are any cons I can think of, truthfully. 

Conclusion: If whimsy, original, similar to Harry Potter, and magical are your things… this is a book you need to try out. I feel it’s not a story that’s been said before, so open the cover for yourself and see if you agree!

P.S.: There's a bit of an Easter egg with one of the Scrivenist's names. See if you can figure it out! If you haven't by the end, message me and I'll tell you! So clever!

P.S.S.: If you're interested, the author is looking for readers! You can obtain the email addresses to contact from her Instagram if interested!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Alive Again (TW Piperbrook; Book 2)


T.W. Piperbrook
Alive Again 2
⭐: 5/5

Pros: well, I've learned that you don't always get immediate answers when living in an apocalyptic world, but I definitely am okay with it... For now.

Piperbrook had me wondering constantly and just when I couldn't figure out what more he could possibly do to make the story interesting... He showed me once again!

The characters are wildly fun and easy to understand while still being complex enough to hold water.

I also enjoyed the many pop culture references - clearly Piperbrook is an author who reads and those are the best kinds!

Cons: CLIFFHANGER. This book is a cliffhanger and the next isn't out until who knows when! Sad day!

Conclusion: if you like zombies but are sick of the same ole, same ole, give this a read, but be sure to start with the first book!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Alive Again (T.W. Piperbrook)


Alive Again
T.W. Piperbrook
⭐: 4/5

The premise of this book is what made me pick it up. How often do we see zombie books? ALL the time! How often do we see them from the zombie's perspective? Hardly ever!

Pros: again, the plot is what initially drew me in. As a real life scientist, zombie infections annoy me because they never seem realistic, but I was glad this book seemed so for the most part.

I was also intrigued because a vaccine actually exists, though we don't know that much about it. Hopefully book two releases soon!

Cons: if you're an action lover, this story is super led by it. I'm not personally, so I honestly skimmed through many of the scenes until it was dialogue and story driven again. Not a bad thing overall, but all my reviews are pros/cons format, so I had to put something here.

Conclusion: if you're sick of the same zombie apocalyptic reads, give this one a chance and see what you think!

*Available on #KindleUnlimited for free*

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Cleopatra's Vendetta (Avanti Centrae)

 Cleopatra's Vendetta
Avanti Centrae
⭐: 5/5

Pros: okay, this isn't my usual kind of read, but the history the entire plot is rooted in definitely caught my attention when I was asked to be an ARC!

I was surprised at how well researched all the aspects of this story are, but furthermore, how beautifully sewn into Centrae's imagination they were. She took me on a journey that included becoming invested in the characters, their well-beings, backgrounds, and overall development. In addition to that, I was drawn into the dark world of human trafficking, something that I've been meaning to learn more about in general.

Overall, the plot and character development, writing style, and delivery is definitely a five out of five. You can tell when an author is meticulous with their work and sets the bar! I was impressed with the ending, too. There was absolutely nothing rushed about it and it felt thorough through the very last line.

Cons: I'm not a huge fan of espionage, modern day, covert operations stories, so it was a little difficult, at first, to stay focused. This con can be easily overlooked, as the nature of interactions between the characters and the story itself became irresistible as it progressed.

Conclusion: if you're looking for history-meets-modern day (without too much of a dual timeline), give this read a shot! Just be prepared to have your heart broken and mended a couple of times, though! Also, if you're passionate about women's rights and leads, this book will feed you in all the right ways!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Circe (Madeline Miller)

Madeline Miller
⭐: 5/5

Okay, usually I do a pros/cons format, but I don't have any cons. Can't think of a single one!

I loved this book. This is my first "big" exposure to Circe, so I don't have much to go on as far as accurate mythology. Heads up for that if it matters to you. I personally enjoyed it from start to finish and didn't want it to end.

The Odyssey is one of my favorites (I need to brush up on it) and it took a hot minute for it to click that she played a role in that epic. That made it even more exciting for me!

I absolutely fell in love with Circe, her struggles, and how raw her character was. Though I'm obviously no goddess, the abandonment she experienced and the way she coped was personal for me, making all her emotions that much more relatable. 

Go read this if mythology is your thing!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Brazen (Julia Haart)

Julia Haart
⭐: 5/5

Where to begin with this review? 

Pros: Though I've never had to escape an ultra religious lifestyle, nor am I into fashion, I still saw myself in so many ways in Brazen.

Julia is not only stubborn and driven, but focused and funny. She's headstrong and isn't afraid to challenge the norm - something I found myself relating to. It was such a sense of... camaraderie... To be able to do so. 

For those of us who have left worlds full of indoctrination and conservative upbringings, riding the coattails of our ancestors, and then who have found ourselves in a brand new setting exactly opposite of what we knew our whole lives... Julia is the example we've created inside ourselves but who has told her story to the world. Like Julia, I also left on my own. Well, I had my faithful Shih Tzu and best friend in tow, but still! It was her and me against the world: two small town girls headed for the big city.

I also adored how she essentially had "imposter syndrome", something I, too, struggled with when going into my dream career I never thought I'd accomplish. I knew I wasn't alone, but seeing someone else be as fierce, bold, and focused was inspiring.

I don't say this often, but I would LOVE to meet and have a drink with this woman! Her audacity and love for life and authenticity is contagious and something I relate to endlessly! I also have traumas of my own, as well as can relate to family estrangement. 

Cons: So, all my reviews are p/c format. The only "con" I can think of is that if you're not the type to question, you shouldn't read this. 

Conclusion: If you ARE the type to question and think for yourself, you will love this book! Julia, if you see this... I would LOVE to chat if possible! I absolutely will be adding this to my personal library after listening to it via the library!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Baby Shower (S.E. Lynes)


The Baby Shower
S.E. Lynes
⭐: 5/5

I LOVED this book for so many reasons!

Pros: Lynes is a brilliant composer of words, plots, and characters! Her writing style skips word repetition (huge pet peeve of mine), feels quite conversational, and drew me in to where I lost HOURS.

I was so wrapped up in the subplot that I forgot about the initial until Lynes tied them back together. Definitely didn't expect that!

I also related to one of the MCs, Jane, in the realm of infertility. I have the same exact diagnosis and was diagnosed at the same age, have mama issues, have been with my husband for more than ten years, and am very close with my group of people.

The infertility was warned to me as a trigger, but I honestly found it quite relieving to see it being talked about, especially my condition that's considered fairly rare. Everything about this is so good!

Cons: I have exactly one con and that's the ending. I won't spoil it, but will say most people will love it, as it's a happy one. I just was a little ruffled because life definitely doesn't imitate art here. However, it's a SUPER easy thing to overlook considering how beautifully and brilliantly The Baby Shower is written!

Conclusion: if you're craving a messed up story that pulls you in from the gate, THIS is it!

The Finalists (David Bell)

  The Finalists David Bell ⭐: 4/5 Pros: great plot idea, loved the historical background, loved the diverse characters. I kind of had a feel...