Friday, February 24, 2023

I'm Glad My Mom Died (Jennette McCurdy)

I'm Glad My Mom Died
Jennette McCurdy
⭐: 5/5

Calling all children of truly difficult parents: this book is for us. We are not alone. Also, this review will not be my standard pro/con format. (For those of you who know me and my mother, it is what it is. Talk to me, not about me, if you don't like this review.)

Initially, I was skeptical. The title is a bold thing to say, but I knew deep down it wasn't without reason. As I listened to Jennette tell her story, I felt the little girl in me being drawn to her. I was a plethora of emotions throughout the whole ride.

I related to the hoarding issues, to the mother being emotionally reliant on everyone but herself, to the struggle it takes to face oneself, and to the eating disorder. I still struggle with the latter, though I've had more control than it has for more than a decade now. I loathe that Jennette had to go through all she did, but damn it, I'm also really proud of her for being willing to go head first into all the traumas that followed her into adulthood and to show them who's boss! I'm proud that she's continuing to do what it takes to find peace and happiness. I admire her for being true to herself, even when it's difficult.

I also loved how raw she was. She says what every kid probably does when we're little, but that we never admit to. She's hilarious and I giggled more than a few times, too.

I don't normally get star struck, but I think I wouldn't mind having coffee (or a drink) with this girl! I totally understand dysfunctional relationships with mothers, as well as overcoming oneself and eating disorders. I also love how raw, blunt, and unfiltered she is.

Jennette, thank you for sharing your story! I'm sure you've gotten a lot of flack, but I'm here cheering you on for what it's worth! Even if the world doesn't like it, this stuff still happens, so it needs to just deal with it!

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